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 I have started my study semester at the Carinthia University of Applied Sciences in September 2014. I am attending lectures  and laboratory classe:


We used various spatial and non- spatial data sources to create a map of our choice. Our task was to check the data provided, and search for additional data needed on the internet. Then integrate them in one single workspace and create a simple map of our theme (e.g.: hiking trail, Volcano Status Map, restaurant and bars in hometown, etc.). The data sources included:  OSM Data, Free WMS/WFS GPS-tracks (e.g.: smartphone) Previous used data, Open Government Data and etc.


We had to decide what our project area is (geographically), decide which kind of theme/topic we want to visualize (tourist map, map for mountain bikers, map displaying a marathon route, etc.),Check data sources already provided for useful data Check if there is free data available on the interne Generate our own data using GPS-devices (optional)

On-Screen Digitizing


The goal of this session was to get familiar with on-screen digitizing. We used the ArcGIS tools to create several feature classes and to capture actual data. Furthermore we learned how to digitize efficiently, how to omit geometric errors and correct them.


Added the Editor, Georeferencing, and Topology toolbar,observed the raster dataset and decide on an object model, created a new file geodatabase, feature dataset, feature classes, and define attributes,digitized features and populated the attributes with values: created new features,modified existing features,did topological edit,checked the geometric correctness of our work.



Assign the correct coordinate system to a dataset

The aim of this exercise is to load datasets in Austrian projections in an ArcMap workspace so that they align geographically. One dataset is in WGS84 reference system, the other are datasets in Austrian reference systems. The coordinate system definition of the Austrian datasets are missing; Find out the right definitions, assign the definition to the dataset and finally load them in ArcMap to check if the on-the-fly transformation of ArcMap is calculated successful.

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